malo, eleilei!

Welcome, we think you’re amazing! Thank you for being present here during this potent time of change.

At Manava, our mission is supporting your wellbeing, inner sustainability and consciousness.

Collective healing begins with each one of us, caring for all levels of our community wellbeing.

what’s manava mean?

breathe in be here now

Inspired by our founder’s Polynesian heritage, Manava represents a core tribal concept with multiple layers of cultural meaning. It embodies the deepest meaning of hospitality and sharing connection with others. It also means the intersection of heart and passion. It refers to breath as life-force and represents relationship with the One Breath who breathes all.


Our intention is to support you with proven therapies and embodied expertise to expand your experience of wellbeing.

Manava Founder

Manava Co-Founder

time to reset?

our friends

breath is life. manava.